Member Interview: USA Blue

Do you play any sports?
I used to be quite the semi athlete at School...Footy, Rugby, Cricket...after school in my later years I played in the local footy leagues. Over in the USA I was once asked to coach a local side in Wadesboro N.C in 'soccer' but turned it down 'cos tbh I saw all the crap that coaches n managers take and though 'Screw that' lol...also it didn't pay hardly anything. Now since I'm nigh on a 'raspberry ripple' sport is out of the question alas.
When did your interest in the 'Unexplained' start and was there any specific reason which drew in your interest?
Yeah..and I will put it as plainly and truthfully as I recall it...I was 7 years old playing some footy on my own...kicking a ball against our house wall when I saw a light in the got brighter and brighter and I can remember feeling that I wanted to go inside but I was riveted...I couldn't I watched it until it in like a matter of a second it flew clear across the sky....quicker than..well...anything could the max!!! I suddenly like 'woke up' and went into the house and told my Mum and Dad, who of course said the usual 'you've been seeing things etc etc. Now I tell you this next bit and you can choose to believe me or not but a few days later I had a visitation at nighttime from what I later found out was a 'Grey'. Of course I didn't know what a 'Grey' was until years and years later. I think it was Close Encounters of the Third kind that I had been watching that suddenly triggered my memory...I can remember saying, no shouting something like 'Thats what I saw...Thats what I saw!!!'...or something like that.
So that's the reason I'm into stuff like the 'Unexplained' and stuff like that
Okay, so lets assume that you actually do and not just pretending. Why do aliens have "legs" and "eyes" and body structure pretty similar to a human being, lets say Paris Hilton. Pretty similar,skinny, weird eyes, small boobs, bony fingers etc... Don't you think it would be something more creative like a blob of light or something?
I just think it's a form thats easiest I guess..2 arms...2 legs...etc. We humans can do loads of cool stuff and get about mostly having opposable thumbs is kinda cool eh so maybe the aliens evolved the same way. Or perhaps they evolved from say insects and look like giant bugs or something. Perhaps there are life forms who are just a blob of light...Who knows eh
Okay lets assume for a second that aliens are blobs of light. Do you think they would have reproduction? Why do we apply, human/earthly laws/similarities to supernatural lifeforms?
Good question and I'm afraid it will take a much cleverer guy than me to answer that...I really dunno...perhaps 'cos it's easier to do it that way in terms that we are familiar with?
Okay, so do you believe in God then? Why do we apply similar earthly laws to God, I have to tell you that you're not really making any sense here.
Hahahaha..I'm not making sense eh...somebody's finally sussed me out!
My brain is aching...take the bad man with his hard questions away from me!
6 members to meet for a drink, who and why?
I'm unable to choose it's not a kop out.It's easier to say the members I dislike and tbh I haven't got one who I dislike. I know a few of you guys have your differences and tbh sometimes it makes me chuckle when a few of you are having a go at each other (within reason of course). I did once really despise a guy in here...his name was JC the Athiest and I would have happily kicked his mealy mouthed know all fvcking face in...apart from that everything is peachy keen and I would happily drink with yaal.......(do I have to pay though?)
Whats your idea of hell and heaven? Physical or symbolic? Do you think that a supreme being would actually care enough to shove a pineapple up your ass for fornicating?
Whats all this Supreme Being stuff? You think I have any answers? Jeez-louise, I can barely put my pants on straight and you ask me this?! would like a Sword and Sorcery/Fantasy or SF sort of place with drinking and voluptious women at ones beck and call (yeah I cant see that happening when I snuff it but ya never know)All knights of oldeetyme with honour, justice and voluptious women (did I mention them?) voluptious women......or drink
What do you think about gays? Should they be allowed to eat ice cream in public?
Hahahahaha...oh God....ermmm...I bet Cas would eat some ice crean suggestivly just for a laugh to piss the uber hetero's off! Tbh I'm live and let live and those who know me know that. I'm straight but if you are gay what the hey. The gay pride marches though...I don't like to see guys bumping n grinding with little on...get a room lads...maybe I'm a tad old fashioned.
If you had only $2 to spend on one thing, forever, what would you spend it on?
Some sparkling wine like Asti Spumanti...deffo drinkystuff tbh...somthing cheapo anyway...cheapo wine FTW (in Bossa PORC speak)
What is the best memory that you hold?
My Son being born...simple as.
If you were stuck in an elevator, with a hobbit, a girl hobbit, fairly attractive, would you consider it pedo to make a sex with her?
HaHaHa..ermmm..yeah what the hell...PornoMidgetSexytime!!!! my younger days I'd shag anything tbh.Ive calmed down now (unfortunately)
Would you rather rape a goat or eat a cat?
Just call me USA Goatraper
So, like, what are your hobbies?
Unexplained stuff...reading Fantasy/Sword n Sorcery...PC gaming....eating out/eating in/eating full stop (thank God Ive still got a 32 waist 'cos I eat like a bastad)...Soccer 24-7 of course
Do you actually believe in the alien and supernatural beliefs? Or is it all for fun.
I think your maybe alluding (is that a word..some words just appear in my head and I write em down..) to what goes on in my Unexplained thread yeah? Well I sometimes put things on there for entertainment value and now and again I try to put stuff that is a tad funny or crazy on there. I know some of you might think it's all so way out there but lemme tell you I was on a site the other night and this guy says " I know we all know that the Moon is just a construct like the Death Star" and these guys are saying "Yeah" or "of course we know" etc etc and I'm thinking to myself ...'Damn Blue....and you thought you were fvcked up'. To put things straight...Aliens, UFO's, Ghosts yeps..100% believer because I have witnessed all of 'em. So I hope that answers your question. Shout outs to the guys who post in the Unex thread men imo 'cos it sometimes takes guts to discuss and post stuff which is outside the norm.
Does religion fit in with any of your beliefs?
Yes it does...although this is gonna make the Christians shake their collective heads (not having a go..honestly)...I believe in a Supreme Being and also Jesus, Mohammed etc etc. I also believe in re-encarnation and various other bits and bobs from things I have read and looked at. I think the New Testament is flawed due to the horse trading that went on in the Council of Nicaea..ok non Bible fans prepare to get educated..
In tracing the origin of the Bible, one is led to AD 325, when Constantine the Great called the First Council of Nicaea, composed of 300 religious leaders. Three centuries after Jesus lived, this council was given the task of separating divinely inspired writings from those of questionable origin... Some horsetrading did go this book and it goes in the Bible and I will support your book etc. Lots of books didn't go in...some show Jesus in a different light...some say that Mary Magdelane was VERY important and that the church fathers did not want her to be that important so they decided to make her a whore...which she wasn't of course. I wonder if such things went on with other religions...maybe it is fallable. Lots of religions say "believe me..this is the only truth and if you don't believe this then you will not go to heaven" etc etc. I respect other beliefs...I believe in an ultimate good and therefore an ultimate evil.
Derbyshire. Tell everyone else why it's the best place in the world and how everyday you regret leaving it.
Hahahaha..ermmm..yeah (gotta be Rosicky or someone taking the piss lol)
I love Chesterfield..I really really do....bits of it are a sh!thole but it's my sh!thole...but I would rather be from it than live in's a strange place...if you look out of place you will possibly get set on (although that's probably the same for most towns these days eh)
Chesterfield IS the best nightspot in the world, isn't it?
I can't it fvcking isn't lol I know many love Chessie or Ches-Vegas as it's been coined but my Chessie has 'gang' of Goths, Punks n metal heads alas are no more and our clubs and pubs are either shut down or trendy bendy Pubs sheeeesh! When I'm back near Chesterfield I sometimes have a look in and see some of the faces and places I's not and never will be the same
If Hollywood decided to make a movie about your life, who would play you?
Excellent question...honest as I type I am smiling...right...who should play me...well maybe Mel Gibson or Tom Cruise...maybe a mixture of Gibson ala Signs and Conspiracy Theory and Cruise...well...Im about the same height as Cruise and I have also got lots of time for him...he is so eccentric and he has some hidden power you know...have you ever seen that clip where some douche throws water at him and Tom laughs it off then just holds the guys arm who did it and then just stares at him and gives him some Jedi mind stuff and then you can see the perpitrator visually wilting...Tom is something else...that's probably why I'm reading Dianetics right now (if you don't know what it is...look it up)
Why don’t the aliens, if they are real, just land on the White House lawn and say “Take me to your leader.”?
Damn...I just knew one of you buggers would throw this at me.....and you know if I answer it I could seriously go on about it for pages and pages giving you reasons...and most of you would think that I'm crazy and the worst thing is that I know I sound crazy lol. My belief is that the the aliens that cause all the trouble (The Greys) are well known to the main Governments of the world and that the US especially is either in collusion with them or that they cannot do a damn thing about them coming into our air space and/or taking humans/cattle etc as they please. I dunno why they don't land on the White House lawn but I will have a go...
1.The White House is in a forbidden flying zone..UFO tries to land..BOOM BOOM!! UFOs did fly over the White House, orders were given to military interceptors to shoot down UFOs if they don’t land when instructed to do so. The person in charge of air defence was a guy called Major General Roger Ramey and he later proclaimed that interceptors had been scrambled loads of times...but 'without any luck'
2.The President of the USA doesn’t speak for Planet Earth (I know yaal are shouting kop out here lol)
3.Normally, negotiations only take place between roughly equal parties. Surely it is not difficult to see that aliens have technology far in advance of our technology. They have no reason to negotiate when they can already do what they please
Proudest moment in your life so far is ...
In Football terms it was in 1997 when Chesterfield drew with 3-3 Middlesborough in the FA Cup semi-finals.We equalised in the final seconds ... heaven! We should have won and would have if it hadn't been for that fvcknut David Elleray...we would have been 3-1 up with 15 mins to play or summat like that but noooo..disallowed a perfectly good goal...I still hate him to this day.
Outside of football it was the birth of my Son Adam...a magic moment...still something I can't really put into words.
You seem to have the occasional hiatus then come back posting regular then go again, do you go doing anything interesting in this time? an excellent question and the only thing I can do here is answer in total honesty.The first time I went awol is that I had a bit of a nervous breakdown (can one ever have a 'bit' of a nervous breakdown? ... I dunno)...your head (especially if ya lose it) can be a funny
thing...I still am not allowed to do Jury Service to this day due to being a bit 'funny' up top...maybe that's a good thing thinking about it...would I shout 'Hang him!!!' just for a speeding case?...Naaw...I am a lot better now tbh...the second time I was trying to save my second marriage and seeing as I spent oodles of time in 24-7 land and got emotionally waaaaaaaaaaay too close to a former member on here well...I just cut 24-7 off and tried to get on with my life.The guys in charge...the BRM's (the Big Red Misters as I call 'em) thankfully left my post open when they (in all fairness) could have just ended my tenure here as Admin...they didn't and I will always be thankful to Manic,DK,Boovy and Killah for keeping my space open
You're fairly into your Conspiracy theories, what first got you involved with them, and have you had any sort of contact personally with paranormal?
I am into conspiracy theories quite true. I think what first got me thinking outside the box was looking at the JFK assassination and coming to the conclusion that Oswald did not work alone. I hate lies and cover ups with a vengeance and tbh sometimes I wish I didn't know as much as I know about certain things normal and especially paranormal....unlike Neo in the Matrix I sometimes wish I had taken the blue pill because once you start hammering on the shell which is our percieved reality (what you are told by the Govt and media) and you see thru the cracks there is no going matter how much you want to because you can see the truth behind the fiction.
Sorry if that all sounds a tad cryptic but a lot of things have kind of fallen into place and what ive learned recently about how this world actually works and who controls's very simple and very dark and terrible.
As for contact with the paranormal I have had contact with various entities....heard and seen things which tbh I didn't want to see but this 'gift' or curse as I call it runs thru my Grandmother had it and my Sister has it plus muggins here.
Just take it as read that I have seen stuff. I will possibly put down exactly what my experiences are in the pages of the Unexplained thread
Why do you think the government is out to get you?
Not out to get just me...get us all....dumb us down....make people uncaring about well...anything really. There are 'poisons' in what we eat and drink...there are moves to get us 'tagged' (it's already happened to some in the States)...just look up the Verichip...VeriChip is a human-implantable RFID (radio frequency identification) device from VeriChip Corporation...they say that it will help with ID and paying for stuff and security and all sorts of wonderful things...sheeesh..then they will know where you are, what you do, where you do it and every single damn thing while you live and breath on this control...and then eventually those without the chips will be unable to trade or buy basic foodstuff and it goes on and on...REVELATION CH13 "And [the Antichrist] causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save except he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name" I'm not a Bible basher but looking at the above is a tad creepy no?
Without going into simply oodles of detail if anyone of you just look at some works by this guy called Ian R Crane at he can put things a kazillion times better than I can.Just click on the link or google his name and see what comes up. If you take the time to do what I advise you all to do you might start to see the world in a different manner.
Do you realize you often sound like one of those 'really nice guys' that then kills random people in the name of God?
Do I really? I like to think that I am a nice guy but I don't own a gun so killing folk is out of the question. There are times ive wanted people dead but thats normal no? Please tell me it is normal...ain't it? I hope I don't creep some of you's just that I have some pretty important info that I like to (now and then) impart and yaal can belive or not what I harm no foul. At the end of the day this is a footie board and 99% of the time I keep the out there stuff locked up nice and cosy in the Unex thread were it can be looked at or not at all at your leisure. I do like guns though....pretty guns...heh heh...go bang...and blood...heh....heh..blood...............heh
Who are some of your favourite members, past and present?
Past members I like...hmmm..Rob the Red...a marvellous guy..great sense of humour...I really miss him posting tbh
Mark...whatever happened to him?
Jere Markus don't come on much or Orswich...both are fantastic guys and I miss 'em both
I like everyone who posts in the Unex thread....yet another shout out to yous guys
Gonna get some flack for this but I miss Bardez (the pre sueing to be a mod one) luckily I missed all that cos I was on one of my hiatus'
Stevedox (before he became an ultra racist or before he let the cat out of the bag or maybe the bulldog out of it's cage)
The staff we have here are a pretty good lot and most of you members out there but before this becomes a mini WDYTOEE I'm gonna stop 'cos look...I really like most of yas and thats the truth.
What kind of films do you like to watch? What’s your favourite film?
I like Sci Fi stuff...Fantasy...Sword n Sorcery...War films...funny fims...oooooh all sortsa stuff.
It really depends on what mood I'm in so all I can do is put a few out there that sometimes suite my moods...
The Godfather
Battle of Britain
The Good,the Bad and the Ugly
Rollerball (old version)
Toad in the Hole (old Laurel and Hardy movie)
A Clockwork Orange
Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan
Oh and all the LOTR ones
Is there a task you’ve set yourself and not yet achieved?
To find out which religion is for me...I see a lot of good in most of them....from ultra-orthodox to free and spiritual...all have good parts to I include Wicca in the mix. Maybe if I said that the main thing in life is to just do the best you can with what you are dealt with and try not to fvck over too many people as you get on with your life. And probably that's the task I have set myself...and have I achieved it? I don't know but despite everything that has been thrown against me..well...I'm still smiling.
Youre a nice guy, everyone loves you, but doesnt the fence sometimes give you splinters?
Lol I try to see the other guy's point of view even if I personally I don't like it. There are times though that things do get me pissed off and angry and that's when I intervene and/or ban....thankfully these times are few and far between.
Mr Blue - What do you see for the "mighty" Chesterfield this season?
Mighty...oh dear...ermmm..well we have got a new manager in John Sheridan and a new investor. We still have St Jack Lester plus a pretty good side all in all so I hope we will be pushing for a play off place at least. For the last 2 seasons we have beaten nearly everyone who has gone up above us but lost stupid games to pretty base sides. I'm looking for consistency, good football and wins (so why do I support Chesterfield??!)
Can you get it sorted that if I ever go there again, they have normal seats?
New ground after this season bud...I dunno what it will look like but I'm guessing it will be similar to the usual Legoland stadiums in the lower divisions I'm gonna miss the old stylee place (It was used for the movie The Damned United btw) but onwards and upwards eh
Who is your favourite member and why?
I think I answered (or tried to) that in a previous bit but I will do a past and present...Rob the Red for the past and maybe Rosicky at the present but that changes quite often mainly because we have a hardcore of really good posters and members...can't put it more plainly than that
Who's posts do you look out for? long have we got?!
It's very hard to pick but maybe Bamber, Ferraribhoy, Rosicky, Manic, Ibes, CR plus those I see in my thread. I don't tend to stray out of the Sanctuary, SPL and lower league places much tbh (unless the modding duties take me away) though so I might be missing some good stuff elsewhere
How's your back? (I think it was back, not too sure, memory like a fish)
S'ok...thanks for asking...I still have some discs pressing on the spine and they still say there still is a quite a chance of being paralysed if they work on them soooooooo I'm still shying away from any op's. So I still keep taking the pills....good 'uns too Physeptone (which is Methadone by a fancy name) and a concentrate of Ibuprofen and some other minor helps. I also have Type 1 Diabetes, Supra Ventricular Tacchycardia (sp?) and Fibromyalgia....Whoopeeee! Plus ive got a splinter...ouchies!
How tall are you? (still got the orange boxes?)
Is this question from Smeg?
I'm an itty bitty guy whose about 5 foot 6 on a good day...dunno how tall that is in meters n stuff
Doesn't matter when you're horizontal though eh.
Interview compiled by Lil Yiddo with questions submitted by members of Soccer 24-7.
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