Member Interview: Rosický 10

Tell us a bit about yourself, non football related.
I’m 19 years old, lived in Derbyshire all my life and consider myself as a pretty generic English male teen with regards to my hobbies and how I live my life. I have various ambitions, most of which are conflicting and I’ve been at a crossroad for nearly a year where I need to choose what I want to do and as of yet I’m still undecided. I consider myself to be of reasonable intelligence, not old enough, or well travelled enough to be truly ‘smart’, but able to conduct myself properly.
You support Forest, but supposing you were transported to a Forest covering much of prehistoric Europe. How would you cope, encountering Bears, Wolves, perhaps Mastadons as well, maybe even Neanderthals and earlier Homo Sapien settlers?
:S Thanks. Probably not too well? Requires further detail though - Have I grown up and survived in the environment so far? Have I any company?
Fuck it the lack of internet connection and football would result in suicide after a week or so, so certain death would be on the cards.
Derbyshire or especially Chesterfield you love with a why support Forest???
The simple answer is because Forest was in my life since I was 5, when the family gathered around as I was told to choose my team, whereas my ‘love’ for Derbyshire/Chesterfield wasn’t formed until I was older, as you tend not to distinguish between places too greatly at such an age.
If you could kill anyone in 24-7 land who would it be...and you MUST choose someone
Honestly - although I’d never do it :/ – probably sultan.
I actually like him and all that, but of all the regulars he strikes me as the kind of person who’d be irrelevant in real life i.e. Has no kids to lose, has no wife/girlfriend probably doesn’t move in many social circles etc. Maybe I have this wrong, but there you go. Sorry dude.
No wait. Tommys granddad - he’s lived a life that’s full…
Have you ever fallen in love?
No, or at least not in my definition of the word. I’ve had relationships with girls, had ****buddies etc. but I’ve never developed any lasting, meaningful feelings of love for anyone. I suppose I’m not really looking for anything serious though I just stumble into things.
Do you like cheesy wotsits?
Unless this is innuendo, no. I do love **** though. A lot.
If you could change any one thing in the world what would it be?
Removing poverty from Africa. Number of times I’ve considered going over with a charity and doing some work out there, but never followed through with it enough. Even despite my insignificance in such a major disease it’d feel nice to feel part of an effort to right some wrongs.
Are you homosexual? its just me and a fair few others think you are
Not at all, no. I can appreciate male beauty but that’s obviously irrelevant to what the question was based on. I just feel comfortable enough to take part in gay jokes and am guilty of finding them funny, judging by the response on here I’m certainly not alone.
What’s your opinion on orienttilidie?
Don’t really have one. He’s clearly going through a phase where he feels his word is gospel and that his life is significant. He can be a good lad to chat to regarding football, for instance the Hearn thread, but he does show his age a lot. Needs to learn to take banter better though, makes himself look a tool in the childish way he takes the bait.
Have you ever had any homosexual experiences? pehaps bith BJ todd?
Haha, no. I’ve shared beds with men after nights out when there is a lack of beds, but so has every other male on here I’m sure. I do have a feeble claim to fame of sharing a bed with a lad who’s played in the Premiership though - The bi’s on the forum will envy me.
Do you like anti newcastle jokes?
When they’re done right I love them. Don’t really like the club, so why not? FTM
After Leatherhead smashed down the Berlin Wall, invented the car and internet, served 12 years in the SAS before being promoted to 007, stopped the 1929 depression, already knows the solutions to combat cancer, aids and the current economic situation; is his recent departure a big loss to 24-7? Will the clique still be alive in 6 weeks time?
I am absolutely heartbroken that he left whilst I was out of the country. We should all note the day and agree to not post all day and unite in a mutual love for the man, the legend, the complete lie that is Leatherhead.
I still want to know if I’m in the clique btw.
Favourite Forest Player Ever and why?
Nigel Clough. I pretty much missed his first stint here, but I’ve apparently never been happier than the season he returned on loan. Not sure why my affection grew so intensely, maybe because the previous generation had Brian and Nigel was ‘my Clough’. Going to meet him again tomorrow too
During my time on the board, it's been disappointing to learn that you was one for appreciating the brilliance of David Johnson....why?
What? I’m probably his biggest critic. I was calling for him to be flogged years before his inevitable retirement. He gave us one season. I couldn’t believe the love for him when he was taking massive wages and delivering nothing, even in League One.
Predictions for next it the year for Forest?
Probably not. Hard to tell when we’ve only got half a squad at the minute. With the players we’re supposed to have secured I’m excited about the football we will see and believe we can surprise a good few people, but I think it’s too early for a proper push for the big time, the clubs seem overly ambitious at the minute which although is pleasing that they seem to be targeting top 6, I am sceptical that we’re not established tightly enough in the Championship never mind trying to enter the Prem. We’ll be above the sheepshaggers though, which I’ll take as a successful season.
What would be your first question to the people of Antarctica if they were suddenly found to exist?
“Where you been hiding?” :S
There is enough research centres down there to have spotted them by now, should they exist.
If you were a god what would you do to the world?
“If” ? :S
Remove fear. It makes people hide from themselves and therefore others by association. Which means that people can never be truly happy, or satisfied with themselves or their life. Fear is the worlds biggest cancer.
If I take a look inside your refrigerator what would I find?
Lots of bacon, milk, chocolate mousse and butter. Embarrassed to say I actually got up to check it, cheers. Unquestionably fascinating to you all, I’m sure.
What do you think of people who talk to their dog and/or treat them like children?
That they’re probably insecure and unfulfilled people looking for something to focus their love upon. I can understand -in some respects- people that look for devotion in another species considering the untrustworthy and selfish nature of humans, but I’ll not be one of them.Too much love out there to waste on animals. I would be all for it to become lawful for me to line up a shot on them from 200 yards. I’ll use an air rifle and screw the site up to make it fun. Deal?
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
I already am blessed with the ability of strength and the ability to see women undressed, so those would clearly be redundant. Therefore reading peoples mind as I’ve often been known to be oblivious to the most obvious of hints and advancements.
Did you ever dream you’d be a star when you were first signed up to 24-7?
Yes, but then joining S24/7 was all a PR exercise in order to boost my reputation and join one of the top English clubs anyway. Unfortunately it was Arsenal which is why I decided to go on strike until a bigger club comes in for me. Injury, my arse.
Roh-Sis-Key, whats so great about Chesterfield?
I’ll not live that name down now. Forest Kunts. It’s full of young (17-21 year old) totty and, of all the local towns, is one of the cheapest and busiest nights. Also it’s so easy to navigate around even with no knowledge of the place.
Oh that crooked spire too. It reminds me of my penis :/
Roh-Sis-Key, you live in Derbyshire, but support Forest, do you get any stick ?
Yeah, it’s pretty relentless really. In the early years I got offended by the “he’s got a pineapple” chant that was sung at Jason Lee when it was repeated by sheepshaggers. It’s all good banter now ultimately and I love being part of it almost daily. It’s been pretty one-sided recently, sadly, with the exception of their ‘worst year in history’.
You do get a lot of Derby fans thinking it’s cool to shout obscenities when I wear the Forest shirt In Derby, but you can see why they get offended when you will never see a Derby shirt in public in Notts.
What is your first memory of Arsenal?
I remember being uncomfortable about the amount of youngsters that were here, it was more of a crèche than a club. Also watching them in training it was clear that they were so young that they’d not even reached the session where they’re introduced to the ‘shot’ and so they just tried to run the ball in. I countered this by shooting whenever and from wherever.
What is your best memory of Highbury that you were there for?
I joined the season we moved to Emirates, didn’t I?
You are trapped on a desert island, you can have one book and one album on your ipod ... what do you choose?
Of the books I read, I usually forget their titles by the time I’m halfway through the next. I tend to opt for books mixing religion and warfare of some sorts. Currently reading Blast from the past, which is abysmal, so I’ll be homo and say Cloughs walking on water and the album can be Frank Turners Love, Ire and song seeing as it’s all I’ve listened to this month.
What is your best childhood memory?
The only thing that springs immediately to mind is running up to the table to see my 5th birthday cake and being ecstatic. Pretty weak really, but the whole family was around and it is my first memory of them and I ran over to my granddad, who appeared to be my favourite family member and sadly, now deceased.
Is there anything that you fear? If so, why do you fear this?
I thought I feared heights, but that seems to be sorted, same applies with bugs etc. so I’ll say failure. Made some choices that are based on not wanting to fail as opposed to wanting to succeed which I regret. As for why, I’m not nearly clever enough to know why, other than a desire not to be some sort of laughing stock for failing at something.
Big Brother, do you watch it?
I sometimes watch them entering the house, if only see what angle the BB people are going for –and checking the talent obviously- and occasionally watch sections of some shows if I’m bored with no motivation to do anything else, but I take no notable interest in it.
Followed a couple of previous years’ though, but never religiously.
Things that are £1.99, £2.49, etc … does this not piss you off like it does me? Why not just round it off?
Not really. Designed for the psychological effect of making good appear cheaper and saves me a bit of money so alls good, right? The back pocket is designed solely for putting such change in.
What’s your favourite type of music?
Usual avoiding answering this due to me not being the best at placing music into genres and the fact that my taste is all over the place, but I’ll go for indie/rock.
Who’s your football hero? Or any sportsperson.
Nigel and Brian Clough, really, but that is far too predictable and requiring of no further explanation. Lots of players I admire but no one comes close to either of them.
Outside of football it’s Carl Froch, but again, a glance at my sig hints towards it.
Derby County, discuss.
Founded in 1884, made their best decision in appointing Brian Clough in 1967, was cheated out of a European final in 1973, luckily, and then made their biggest error in allowing Clough to leave in 1973. Not a lot has happened since that, other than being crowned worst team in history in 2008.
They have a reasonable set of fans, travel well, show up in numbers and quite flexible with their chants. Some many kunts that support them though and are overeager to leave the stadium and complain EVERYWHERE when things aren’t too golden.
Blondes, brunettes or gingers?
Brunettes, by quite some distance. Think pretty much every girl I’ve ever got with has been brunette, maybe some psychological thing as I find them lots more approachable and more interesting. For the record second is Blondes and way out in last in the gingers.
On a night out, what is your preferred drink?
Depends what I’m going for, if it’s a more sociable ‘up town with mates’ night then it’s Magners.
If it’s an all nighter & intentions on not going home it’s vodka red bulls.
I have recently fallen in love with amaretto and coke though, for it’s similarities to Dr Pepper.
I usually end up mixing beyond belief anyway and will go for anything but lager and some frog shot which is rank.
Ever had an experience that you would love to experience again?
Many but right now - Cascada live. We were very drunk, started at the back and we forced our way to the second row which included throwing fit girls out of the way to get near the front. Then just going for it for the whole set before going back for the girls that were pretty surplus earlier. Everyone was sweating so much that they’d gone topless. My phone was battered beyond repair too. Not particularly big on club music either, but it was just pure ecstasy.
What’s the best holiday you have ever been on and why?
Not been on too many in fairness, for various reasons, this years was my first since I was 12. So Magaluff - only got back the other day so I’m still wishing I was there. Was 8 days of pure drinking and womanising. Our first lads holiday together and plans for next years are already underway.
Where is the one place you would love to go on holiday?
Toss up between Praha and Belfast. The former because of its beauty and my desire to visit Czech Republic and there being plenty of sites to see. The latter because I just adore the accent in truth. I’m all game for visiting any where in Northern Ireland/Ireland. Something we’re also looking into doing next year.
Do you think you stand a chance of winning Member vs. Member when it starts again, obviously providing you enter the competition!
Haha. Not really, no. Feel free to vote for me though, regardless.
What would you say is the worst accent? Would you agree that it’s the brummie accent? It knocks me sick!
West Country that gets me, or the “farmer accent” to give it it’s nickname. I find it hard to listen to without laughing in truth.
If you were to move, where in England would you move to?
Only in England? Jesus, I’d just stick to the East Midlands. Most likely a quiet Notts village between the City Centre and Derbyshire, something Nuthal/Giltbrook/Bilborough way :/ Opens up more opportunities within Notts, close enough to keep close with mates and shortens the journey to the City Ground.
Interview compiled by Lil Yiddo with questions submitted by members of Soccer 24-7.
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