Member Interview: Foley 87

Tell us a bit about yourself …
I best be careful this time around. We all know what happened 5 years ago lol. My names Richard Taylor. I'm 22. Born on the 1st April. So yeah, I am an April Fool, some of you will find that quite ironic lol. I live in my own house that I bought 2 years ago, which I rent two of the bedrooms out to two of my mates. I'm a lifelong City fan. Follow Stalybridge Celtic when City aren’t playing too. I will watch most other sports like Golf Rugby Boxing Tennis Snooker Darts. I also play whatever sport I can. Play a lot of snooker pool badminton etc. My other sport is golf and I play off a handicap of 8.1. Vastly improved over the last 12 months. I'm a fat fuck who loves a few too many beers and a few too many takeaways.
Lets be honest, you’re biased when it comes to Man City but on the other hand I do admire your passion. However, why do you find it so difficult to talk down about them?
A lot of the time, I.e. yesterday, I come on here, after just getting back from the ground, whilst i'm still highly charged about the game. So its no wonder you lot see me as some bitter pillock. For those of you that take your time to speak with me you’ll realize that I know a lot of stuff and am quite sensible when it comes to talking city and football in general.
Sambuca, Sambuca, Sambuca?
Mentalist. In fact I was in the Printworks last week and my mate came back with 4 shots, they were vile. I had lost my raspberry Sambuca virginity!! Horrific stuff.
Golf or football?
Football always but Golf is a fantastic game to play. And the buzz you get when going to watch all the pros at a major like the British Open is amazing
I hear you have a often do you change your barrels?
Every 2 or 3 months ill buy a barrel. Normally for a house party etc…. I'm trying at the moment to stock up on all my spirits which will look mint when done. You all laugh but when you’re a bit skint, id much rather pay 80quid for 88 pints and than the joke prices you pay out in town!!
What's your favourite type of music?
All my mates are indie lads blah blah blah. Every now and then ill like one of their scouted bands but they all sound the same half the time. Get me in a club dancing like a queer to girls aloud and other cheesy stuff and I'm sorted.. Birdcage in Manchester is by far the best night out in town for me and that’s all it is in there!!
Its Sunday, time for a roast dinner. What’s it to be? Chicken, lamb or beef?
Why not all three lol. In fairness Chicken isn’t special enough to be on your Sunday Roast. For me id say lamb. Plenty of mint sauce. Cant beat it.
Did you ever finish your basement pub? If yes, why don't you invite any of us over for a pint, you cheap cunt?
Intrigued to see who sent this as your more than welcome. Kirstie's even bringing her pole next time lol. Actually was this Ash. He’s the only one who calls me a cheap fuck lol
Why are City never at fault for their defeats?
Like yesterday with our bad defending you mean?
Have you set yourself and targets of what you would like to achieve in the next 5 years? If so, what are they?
I’ve only ever had 1 job and fortunately for me, I love it. Therefore in 5 years I want to be managing my own branch with prospects to go further up the chain. I’ve always said I want to move to America by the time im 40 as well. In order to do this I need to get myself further up the property chain and would be looking to have a dozen or so terraces to rent out. Easy money!
Guten arben Foley, how do you respond to claims that your Man City mug is always half full, and that when it comes to blues matters, Van Persie head butted Adebayor's boot, not the other way round?
I'm a bitter blue aren’t I
5 members you would invite for a drink/night out?
Bossa, Foulksey, Big Easy, Intotheforrest and leeman.
Others if I could ask for more would be scottdc robbief redopal blue moon. Hoping to meet up with the likes of pib gadger soon as both are quality lads. Kirstie Hudson Tanghe and Stone have already had the privilege lol
What's your genre of music that you pleasure a lady to?
Girls Aloud. Love Machine ha-ha. Nah being serious now, I let Yiddo put the music on
Clearly you think Hughes is the greatest manager in the premier league, other than him, what other manager do you have respect for or like the way he manages his team?
Where or where have I ever claimed that lol. Ancelotti is impressing me in his early days at Chelsea. Id of said Wenger pre-takeover but ever since he’s made himself look nothing short of the tosser United fans have always claimed him to be. Benitez is vastly overrated and Ferguson is well Ferguson. Hodgson is a bit of a genius too
What are your thoughts of comparison that you look like, Justin Moorhouse from Phoenix Nights, who ironically, is a City fan...
Its better than Paul bearer or the guy off the nationwide advert ha-ha
Why do City fans call Utd fans 'rags'?
During the war when OT was bombed, United had no kit to wear. So City gave them our cast-offs or our rags which they played in for a short while.
Kirstie, Barcelinha, Mare, snog shag marry, choice is yours.
Linha Snog…weirdo
Mare Shag…stunner
Kirstie Marry…top top girl
City...EPL champs within 3 years?
Do you like Cheesy Wotsits?
Not really. They stink somert rotten
Soccer AM, Crossbar challenge, do you think you could do it?
For a fat fuck, I'm quite hands with a footy at my feet. So yeah id give it a go.
Do you like Elephants?
Awesome things
Are you really an estate agent....sheeesh!
Aye. Quality Job,
No really...are you?
Yeah and I love it. Mates all come out with the usual rip off con man blah blah. But I love it. Nothing better than working for your own money in the way of commission. And nothing better that making the most stressful thing you’ll ever buy or sell, easier.
What's your favourite position?
Top 4. That’s what you means right?
You can't cheer for City anymore. They've kicked you out for one reason or another. What Premier league team would you cheer for?
Chelsea or Villa.
Why is it that everyone driving faster than you is considered an idiot and everyone driving slower than you is a moron?
Who sent this lol. I drive fast but sensibly. Its twats on phones who don’t even know basic rules of the road that infuriate me. Saying that I can imagine other drivers say the same about me lol
Is it true you have the carling cup tattooed on your arse cheek under the line '2011 champions'?
Half right. it’s the Champions league trophy though
Who are your most hated opponents/fans (apart from Man Utd that is)
Tottenham…sorry Kirst but your even more deluded than us.
Bolton used to be one of my most hated but they are nothing to us now!!
Thank you. Its been emotional.
Interview compiled by Lil Yiddo with questions submitted by members of Soccer 24-7.
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