The Interview: Ruudlover

Tell us a bit about yourself …
I’m Sarah... im 20 years old and i’m currently studying at University. I was born in Luton, and moved to Dunstable when I was 5, those that know geography know that they are next door to eachother... so we literally moved about a 5-10 drive away. Dunstable’s far nicer anyways!
Ive got a small, but close family, with 1 brother and 5 cousins. I was brought up in a Christian family, and I myself (after much rejection) am a Christian. I’ve got a great set of friends from church back home, and i’d say there influence on me has been key.
I’m a sporty, intelligent, sociable, fun, popular and energetic girl who loves being around my friends and having a good time. I like to be spontaneous, love banter, and would happily spend my life chilling on the top of Dunstable Downs with my friends.
I was a bit of a rebel as a kid, and was always annoying my parents and brother and was always in trouble at school for talking and being rude. I’ve grown up a lot since those days, and i’m a friendly, well mannered and kind person who when i got to 6th form teachers seemed to love, and my lecturers are the same! As you may have already guessed... ive got a bit of an ego, a friendly one though!
Are you happy at the moment?
I’d say so yes. I’m enjoying my life a lot at the moment, Uni is going great, i’m an active member of my course, I do lots of great voluntary work, which will help my career, ive got some amazing friends both in Sheffield and at home, ive got a great social life. I’m happy living with my boys in Sheffield, its great banter and i’m still really close with everyone who matters back home.
I’d say there are 2 negatives, one is the lack of a lovely man in my life, well I’m literally in love with my best friend.. but thats complicated! Second is that i’m a walking cripple, my knee and shoulder is screwed and ive barely played football in 3 years!
If a tree falls in a forest, and nobody hears it, does it make a sound.
Yes... if i ever see a tree fall and not make a noise i may change my opinion, but at the moment.. a tree falling = noise
I saw the Christmas Coca Cola advert the other day, does this mean I can now put my Christmas tree up despite the fact it’s not December yet?
Defiantly... if the boys i live with weren’t such boring bastards i’d have had mine up last week.. the holidays are indeed coming!
If you could travel anywhere, where would you want to go and why?
Australia. Just a country that has always interested me, i think i’d suit living there. I’ve always had somewhat of a romantic vision of me coaching sports on a sunny beach in aus, it will never happen mind.
I see you fathering the kids of a jailed black man and living off benefits on a council estate. What do you think?
Really? Then you don’t know me at all. Would be the last thing i do.
What is your favourite childhood memory?
Hmmm.. I didn’t have an overly exciting childhood filled with amazing events, just lots of very good days, but i’d probably say the day I got my dog, it was the day before my 5th birthday, and I remember travelling what seemed like miles (probably was) to pick him up, then having people round the house and passing him round everyone... not very exciting
How’s your football career going at the moment?
Rubbish, non existent in fact. As many people know I snapped my knee ligaments 3 times, and i’ve had two lots of surgery, add that to the fact ive needed shoulder surgery for about a year, its not fun. So yea... i was very very good, i had the chance to make it big.. but that dreams over now
What is it you’re actually studying at uni? Are you there just to get pissed up most nights, if not every night of the week?
Sports Development and Coaching. I really enjoy it too. I got good grades at A-level and could have studied anything really, and gone to 98% of Uni’s too but Sport is the only thing im really interested in, and have a passion for. Sports Science is just boring and really doesn’t have much of a career path, whereas my course does. I could walk into a 30k job once graduated if I wanted too.. and thats just starting quite near the bottom. Hallam has a VERY good reputation in Sport now as well which is a bonus. I aim to be the next Sue Campbell (google her) and be a big name in the sporting industry. With the volunteering i’m doing, it will defiantly help, add that to the fact with it i’m nailed on to work at London 2012 too.
On the pissed comment.. I don’t go out much these days, once, maybe twice a week if I can be bothered, now we have houses we tend to just chill out there more, have people round, go round others, its much better.
What was the best day of your life and what was the worse?
Hmm.. as with the childhood memory, not much sticks out. Ive had loads of amazing days, but none ive considered to be the best day of my life. The worst... on holiday with my family and friends, the summer between year 8 and 9, so i was 13, received a phone call from my best mate telling me one of my really good friends had finally lost his battle with leukaemia, horrible, horrible moment
Forum members, past and present … Favourites and least favourites?
Forgive me if I miss anyone, always hard to think off the top of my head
Fave: Stone_Monkey, Yid, Sparky, Tanghe, Scholsey, ITF, Gib, Adaroooooney, Siefer, Pibe, rowdy (lampardlover/carefree cfc)
Least: Southern Dandy, illmatic, scoot, bossa(when he does that stupid lollz crap) infact any portugese member, barcelina, german dudek
Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
Hopefully married with kids with a good job in sports having just enjoyed, or anticipating the World Cup in England, i’ll hopefully be living in either Nottingham, Sheffield or Manchester too. However, it will all depend on finding a man really!
Do you like cheesy Wotsits?
Yep. Really romantic when you share a packet too
If you could meet anyone (living or dead) who would it be and why?
Sir Bobby Charlton. The man is a living legend and I have the upmost respect for him, what with what he achieved with United and England, and the work he does now. Football needs more Bobby Charltons
Why do you hate Barcelinha? She's a crackwhore Romanian, take pity, she was probably an orphan and had to live in eastern know what that means. You don't? Oh I forgot...English girl. It means communist coca-cola etc.
She’s an attention-whore who thinks everybody wants to know everything about her. She feels the need to reply to every single thread and make it about her, or post something totally irrelevant or stupid in an attempt to be funny, she’s stuck up her own arse and thinks the forum should revolve around her. Her footballing knowledge is laughable and an insult to women football fans, she always avoids debate by insulting people, as she doesn’t have the knowledge to debate anyways, her opinions on players are based around whether she thinks they will be good in bed too. Basically yea, she annoys me.
Favourite country you've visited?
America, simply because it contains Florida, which would be my favourite holiday destination thus far.
Where would you like to be in 10 years?
See above homie
Do you think its slightly embarrassing that our own Prime Minister couldn’t write a letter to a grieving parent who lost her son whilst serving in the army, without spelling mistakes and didn’t even put her correct name?
Embarrassing yes. I do kind of feel sorry for him that he is lambasted with whatever he does (mainly due to the fact he more often that not made to look stupid, but still, im a nice person). I mean atleast he took the effort to write the letter, however it was not professionally presented in the slightest, and thats his down fall. All it would have taken was to re-write it after the mistake, or atleast get it double checked!
What's the largest age difference between yourself and someone you’ve dated?
A whopping 2 years, i’m only 20, and up until Uni ive kept to people from my school year to be honest. This lad was lovely though, but he was more best friend lovely than boyfriend lovely.
Why do you support Manchester? Doesn't it shame you that you are basically funding some northern team, and most northerners are dirty thieves and terrorists...
I always assumed it was due to my parents, when they were younger they were both United fans, mum even had a massive George Best love in, and although i’d still call them fans, especially mum, Luton has taken over more of my dads attention. But I found out recently it was due to my brother.
He’s 3 years older than me so growing up I copied everything he did, I wanted to be just like him, so he supported United, I guess because they were the best! So I did too... he didn’t like this so switched to Arsenal (to be fair, this was before they became good) luckily I had the sense not to copy him again, and kept United.
Can I ask you a personal question...are you virgin? Cos I'm virgin too, and virgin to virgin customers get free minutes, cheap texts and stuff.
02 Kiddo.. 600 mins, 1200 texts, free internet. £20 a months, thanks!
Any plans for the future?
Much of what I said in the 10 years question. But ill add that i’m tempted to work with disabilities in sport, I do volunteering based around this and it’s amazingly rewarding. I’d love to coach/manage a team or in a sport which is represented at the Olympic games, that would be excellent. If not this, then i’d like to work for one of the major sports agencies (UK Sport, sport England, youth sport trust, NGB’s, womens sport foundation, disability England etc etc) or if worse comes to worse.. be a PE teacher.
How long is a piece of string?
Depends how long you need it to be
Best memory from being at Old Trafford?
If I was interviewed a few months back i’d be struggling for an answer. Ive watched many a match, but they all seem to be uneventful (except from when i was on MOTD) but i went to the Manchester Derby this year, and it was by far the best game ive been too. It was just so eventful, and the scoreline and finish was beyond what anyone what have predicted. I was sat next to the city fans too, which was good banter. It was weird in the stadium when Rio ****ed up for 3-3, as it was Rio it seemed people didn’t want to get angry and start throwing insults, instead everyone was just stood shellshocked, the tension for those last few minutes could have been cut with the knife.
But when micky owen popped up with that goal, everyone just erupted, i was man hugged by the man next to me, everyone ended up jumping all over everyone, and as we were next to the city fans we just all turned and celebrated at them. One of the best moments though was turning round and seeing fergie celebrate, and then Red Nev running up the touchline, thats something i’ll never forget, it was epic!
10 members of the forum ... 5 you're going out with for the night, 5 you're pushing off a cliff ... who are they and why?
Night out: Gaz, Yid, Sparky, ITF and Tanghe
Push off a cliff: Barcelina, dandy, bossa, illmatic and the german dudek
Ruud. Why? He's a horse faced gimp.
When it comes to football i’m easy to please. I like players who do there job and do it well (as well as those fancy dan, technically gifted types, workhorses don’t appeal to me, hence the tevez and park hatred) and Ruud did just that, give him the ball and he would score, he was world class for us, and exceptional striker, who had much more to his game than people gave him credit for. His job was to lead the line and score goals, and he did that fantastically well. I kinda became a bit obsessed with him though, had a poster of him on my wall in his second year with us, and one night I thought he was quite good looking ( i like my men tall, dark and handsome) so yea, i googled him a bit more, and it grew into an obsession, since he left its all died down a bit, but he’s still my favourite player.
What your favourite foreign football team and why?
Barcelona. When I was younger my grandparents visited Barcelona and brought me back a top and i’ve liked them ever since then. I was also a big Ronaldo fan back in the day too. In 2004/05/06 I was able to watch them more and more thanks to sky, and they played sublime football which I just loved, I was a bit of a Ronaldinho fan too. So yea, its always been Barca for me.
How does it feel to be a typical English girl? Goes to uni, becomes a drunk 'ho, and if lucky will end up living in a cul-de-sac watching this morning as if it meant something?
Shows you don’t know me at all, as i’m not remotely like that. Yes I do enjoy a good night out, and yes I do drink when I go out, but its about once or twice a week maximum. I much prefer just chilling round a friends house, or having a few drinks at the pub and a gossip, or going on road trip, long walks and watching the stars or just sitting on Dunstable downs or in a park just relaxing. The whole going out and getting pissed thing is pretty boring now, and i’ve never really been a big fan of it in the first place anyways.
Are you happy with the way Michael Owen has settled in at the club?
After that goal against City he can spend the rest of his career hola dancing for all I care. Nah, but seriously, I think he’s done OK for us, scored a few games, and showed glimpses. His finishing has been a bit poor (he’s no Ruud) but he’s a good stop gap, because hopefully soon Welbeck will be ready, he’s going to be a star
What do you find attractive about the millionaire magician Paul Daniels?
His dashing smile and pleasing tricks.
Twilight; team werewolf or team Vampire?
Ermmm.. I don’t get this whole twilight thing, never read the books, watched it on tv, or watched the films, so I really have no idea about anything i’m afraid. However, one thing I would say is I found it both sad and weird that many people (including a few of my best mates) felt the need to go and see the new film at 00.05, just wait a few hours fools
If you were given a shotgun and you were told you have to shoot through both yours hands and feet in 30 seconds otherwise you'd die, would you do it? (Inspired from Saw)
Defiantly... otherwise i’d die! Plus.. I could cope with being disabled, I could still compete in many a sport, so nothing to worry about there!
What is your favourite comfort food, and what is your strongest memory tied to it?
Soft chocolate chip cookies. Yum. Strongest memory would be me and my best friends buying about 20 between us once we’d got our a-level results, and going and sitting in a lovely sunny park, eating them and just chilling and enjoying each others company. Was a great day that.
Do the other females on the board put you to shame with their posts regarding football or anything in general?
Nope. To be honest, since Shell left, and I don’t see Mare around much in the football section anymore, only Yid makes worthwhile football contributions, even then, i hold my knowledge in high regard to be honest and don’t find myself being put to shame, even though i’d always read what Yid has to say!
Does it take you much to get drunk?
Not these days no. I used to be a bit of a lightweight, but not recently. We tend to make bowls/troughs these days before we go out, mixing about 7 drinks, and even then it takes about 6-7 glasses to get drunk.
You’re a massive football fan … do you prefer playing or watching?
Difficult one this. I love both, and infact I’ve also always loved going training aswell, the banter is better, but if I was to choose watching a cup final, or playing one, i’d choose playing, so my answer will have to be playing.
What's your best memory of playing football?
I’d say a game against West Ham a few years ago. They were our rivals to the league title. We were 2-0 down within about 20 minutes, and frankly not playing very well, however in the second half we came out like a team possessed and played really really well, we pulled a goal back quite quickly, but it took 2 late goals, a screamer from 30 yards with a couple of minutes remaining, then a tap in at the far post with the last kick of the game to win... it was an amazing feeling and we went on to win the league, that was a great season.
Do you have a recurrent dream?
Nope... but I do have dreams which cause me to have the same reaction, whereby I wake up and think i’m still in the dream and end up turning lights on/ locking doors, opening doors, going for a walk, and thinking people are in my room.. its a bit weird that
What would I find in your refrigerator right now?
Pineapple and orange juice, milk, butter, eggs, yogurts, vodka, beer, jam, mayo, cheese, tomatoe ketchup, bbq sauce, brown sauce.
Only the pineapple and orange juices are mine.
Interview compiled by Lil Yiddo with questions submitted by members of Soccer 24-7.

Tell us a bit about yourself …
I’m Sarah... im 20 years old and i’m currently studying at University. I was born in Luton, and moved to Dunstable when I was 5, those that know geography know that they are next door to eachother... so we literally moved about a 5-10 drive away. Dunstable’s far nicer anyways!
Ive got a small, but close family, with 1 brother and 5 cousins. I was brought up in a Christian family, and I myself (after much rejection) am a Christian. I’ve got a great set of friends from church back home, and i’d say there influence on me has been key.
I’m a sporty, intelligent, sociable, fun, popular and energetic girl who loves being around my friends and having a good time. I like to be spontaneous, love banter, and would happily spend my life chilling on the top of Dunstable Downs with my friends.
I was a bit of a rebel as a kid, and was always annoying my parents and brother and was always in trouble at school for talking and being rude. I’ve grown up a lot since those days, and i’m a friendly, well mannered and kind person who when i got to 6th form teachers seemed to love, and my lecturers are the same! As you may have already guessed... ive got a bit of an ego, a friendly one though!
Are you happy at the moment?
I’d say so yes. I’m enjoying my life a lot at the moment, Uni is going great, i’m an active member of my course, I do lots of great voluntary work, which will help my career, ive got some amazing friends both in Sheffield and at home, ive got a great social life. I’m happy living with my boys in Sheffield, its great banter and i’m still really close with everyone who matters back home.
I’d say there are 2 negatives, one is the lack of a lovely man in my life, well I’m literally in love with my best friend.. but thats complicated! Second is that i’m a walking cripple, my knee and shoulder is screwed and ive barely played football in 3 years!
If a tree falls in a forest, and nobody hears it, does it make a sound.
Yes... if i ever see a tree fall and not make a noise i may change my opinion, but at the moment.. a tree falling = noise
I saw the Christmas Coca Cola advert the other day, does this mean I can now put my Christmas tree up despite the fact it’s not December yet?
Defiantly... if the boys i live with weren’t such boring bastards i’d have had mine up last week.. the holidays are indeed coming!
If you could travel anywhere, where would you want to go and why?
Australia. Just a country that has always interested me, i think i’d suit living there. I’ve always had somewhat of a romantic vision of me coaching sports on a sunny beach in aus, it will never happen mind.
I see you fathering the kids of a jailed black man and living off benefits on a council estate. What do you think?
Really? Then you don’t know me at all. Would be the last thing i do.
What is your favourite childhood memory?
Hmmm.. I didn’t have an overly exciting childhood filled with amazing events, just lots of very good days, but i’d probably say the day I got my dog, it was the day before my 5th birthday, and I remember travelling what seemed like miles (probably was) to pick him up, then having people round the house and passing him round everyone... not very exciting
How’s your football career going at the moment?
Rubbish, non existent in fact. As many people know I snapped my knee ligaments 3 times, and i’ve had two lots of surgery, add that to the fact ive needed shoulder surgery for about a year, its not fun. So yea... i was very very good, i had the chance to make it big.. but that dreams over now
What is it you’re actually studying at uni? Are you there just to get pissed up most nights, if not every night of the week?
Sports Development and Coaching. I really enjoy it too. I got good grades at A-level and could have studied anything really, and gone to 98% of Uni’s too but Sport is the only thing im really interested in, and have a passion for. Sports Science is just boring and really doesn’t have much of a career path, whereas my course does. I could walk into a 30k job once graduated if I wanted too.. and thats just starting quite near the bottom. Hallam has a VERY good reputation in Sport now as well which is a bonus. I aim to be the next Sue Campbell (google her) and be a big name in the sporting industry. With the volunteering i’m doing, it will defiantly help, add that to the fact with it i’m nailed on to work at London 2012 too.
On the pissed comment.. I don’t go out much these days, once, maybe twice a week if I can be bothered, now we have houses we tend to just chill out there more, have people round, go round others, its much better.
What was the best day of your life and what was the worse?
Hmm.. as with the childhood memory, not much sticks out. Ive had loads of amazing days, but none ive considered to be the best day of my life. The worst... on holiday with my family and friends, the summer between year 8 and 9, so i was 13, received a phone call from my best mate telling me one of my really good friends had finally lost his battle with leukaemia, horrible, horrible moment
Forum members, past and present … Favourites and least favourites?
Forgive me if I miss anyone, always hard to think off the top of my head
Fave: Stone_Monkey, Yid, Sparky, Tanghe, Scholsey, ITF, Gib, Adaroooooney, Siefer, Pibe, rowdy (lampardlover/carefree cfc)
Least: Southern Dandy, illmatic, scoot, bossa(when he does that stupid lollz crap) infact any portugese member, barcelina, german dudek
Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
Hopefully married with kids with a good job in sports having just enjoyed, or anticipating the World Cup in England, i’ll hopefully be living in either Nottingham, Sheffield or Manchester too. However, it will all depend on finding a man really!
Do you like cheesy Wotsits?
Yep. Really romantic when you share a packet too
If you could meet anyone (living or dead) who would it be and why?
Sir Bobby Charlton. The man is a living legend and I have the upmost respect for him, what with what he achieved with United and England, and the work he does now. Football needs more Bobby Charltons
Why do you hate Barcelinha? She's a crackwhore Romanian, take pity, she was probably an orphan and had to live in eastern know what that means. You don't? Oh I forgot...English girl. It means communist coca-cola etc.
She’s an attention-whore who thinks everybody wants to know everything about her. She feels the need to reply to every single thread and make it about her, or post something totally irrelevant or stupid in an attempt to be funny, she’s stuck up her own arse and thinks the forum should revolve around her. Her footballing knowledge is laughable and an insult to women football fans, she always avoids debate by insulting people, as she doesn’t have the knowledge to debate anyways, her opinions on players are based around whether she thinks they will be good in bed too. Basically yea, she annoys me.
Favourite country you've visited?
America, simply because it contains Florida, which would be my favourite holiday destination thus far.
Where would you like to be in 10 years?
See above homie
Do you think its slightly embarrassing that our own Prime Minister couldn’t write a letter to a grieving parent who lost her son whilst serving in the army, without spelling mistakes and didn’t even put her correct name?
Embarrassing yes. I do kind of feel sorry for him that he is lambasted with whatever he does (mainly due to the fact he more often that not made to look stupid, but still, im a nice person). I mean atleast he took the effort to write the letter, however it was not professionally presented in the slightest, and thats his down fall. All it would have taken was to re-write it after the mistake, or atleast get it double checked!
What's the largest age difference between yourself and someone you’ve dated?
A whopping 2 years, i’m only 20, and up until Uni ive kept to people from my school year to be honest. This lad was lovely though, but he was more best friend lovely than boyfriend lovely.
Why do you support Manchester? Doesn't it shame you that you are basically funding some northern team, and most northerners are dirty thieves and terrorists...
I always assumed it was due to my parents, when they were younger they were both United fans, mum even had a massive George Best love in, and although i’d still call them fans, especially mum, Luton has taken over more of my dads attention. But I found out recently it was due to my brother.
He’s 3 years older than me so growing up I copied everything he did, I wanted to be just like him, so he supported United, I guess because they were the best! So I did too... he didn’t like this so switched to Arsenal (to be fair, this was before they became good) luckily I had the sense not to copy him again, and kept United.
Can I ask you a personal question...are you virgin? Cos I'm virgin too, and virgin to virgin customers get free minutes, cheap texts and stuff.
02 Kiddo.. 600 mins, 1200 texts, free internet. £20 a months, thanks!
Any plans for the future?
Much of what I said in the 10 years question. But ill add that i’m tempted to work with disabilities in sport, I do volunteering based around this and it’s amazingly rewarding. I’d love to coach/manage a team or in a sport which is represented at the Olympic games, that would be excellent. If not this, then i’d like to work for one of the major sports agencies (UK Sport, sport England, youth sport trust, NGB’s, womens sport foundation, disability England etc etc) or if worse comes to worse.. be a PE teacher.
How long is a piece of string?
Depends how long you need it to be
Best memory from being at Old Trafford?
If I was interviewed a few months back i’d be struggling for an answer. Ive watched many a match, but they all seem to be uneventful (except from when i was on MOTD) but i went to the Manchester Derby this year, and it was by far the best game ive been too. It was just so eventful, and the scoreline and finish was beyond what anyone what have predicted. I was sat next to the city fans too, which was good banter. It was weird in the stadium when Rio ****ed up for 3-3, as it was Rio it seemed people didn’t want to get angry and start throwing insults, instead everyone was just stood shellshocked, the tension for those last few minutes could have been cut with the knife.
But when micky owen popped up with that goal, everyone just erupted, i was man hugged by the man next to me, everyone ended up jumping all over everyone, and as we were next to the city fans we just all turned and celebrated at them. One of the best moments though was turning round and seeing fergie celebrate, and then Red Nev running up the touchline, thats something i’ll never forget, it was epic!
10 members of the forum ... 5 you're going out with for the night, 5 you're pushing off a cliff ... who are they and why?
Night out: Gaz, Yid, Sparky, ITF and Tanghe
Push off a cliff: Barcelina, dandy, bossa, illmatic and the german dudek
Ruud. Why? He's a horse faced gimp.
When it comes to football i’m easy to please. I like players who do there job and do it well (as well as those fancy dan, technically gifted types, workhorses don’t appeal to me, hence the tevez and park hatred) and Ruud did just that, give him the ball and he would score, he was world class for us, and exceptional striker, who had much more to his game than people gave him credit for. His job was to lead the line and score goals, and he did that fantastically well. I kinda became a bit obsessed with him though, had a poster of him on my wall in his second year with us, and one night I thought he was quite good looking ( i like my men tall, dark and handsome) so yea, i googled him a bit more, and it grew into an obsession, since he left its all died down a bit, but he’s still my favourite player.
What your favourite foreign football team and why?
Barcelona. When I was younger my grandparents visited Barcelona and brought me back a top and i’ve liked them ever since then. I was also a big Ronaldo fan back in the day too. In 2004/05/06 I was able to watch them more and more thanks to sky, and they played sublime football which I just loved, I was a bit of a Ronaldinho fan too. So yea, its always been Barca for me.
How does it feel to be a typical English girl? Goes to uni, becomes a drunk 'ho, and if lucky will end up living in a cul-de-sac watching this morning as if it meant something?
Shows you don’t know me at all, as i’m not remotely like that. Yes I do enjoy a good night out, and yes I do drink when I go out, but its about once or twice a week maximum. I much prefer just chilling round a friends house, or having a few drinks at the pub and a gossip, or going on road trip, long walks and watching the stars or just sitting on Dunstable downs or in a park just relaxing. The whole going out and getting pissed thing is pretty boring now, and i’ve never really been a big fan of it in the first place anyways.
Are you happy with the way Michael Owen has settled in at the club?
After that goal against City he can spend the rest of his career hola dancing for all I care. Nah, but seriously, I think he’s done OK for us, scored a few games, and showed glimpses. His finishing has been a bit poor (he’s no Ruud) but he’s a good stop gap, because hopefully soon Welbeck will be ready, he’s going to be a star
What do you find attractive about the millionaire magician Paul Daniels?
His dashing smile and pleasing tricks.
Twilight; team werewolf or team Vampire?
Ermmm.. I don’t get this whole twilight thing, never read the books, watched it on tv, or watched the films, so I really have no idea about anything i’m afraid. However, one thing I would say is I found it both sad and weird that many people (including a few of my best mates) felt the need to go and see the new film at 00.05, just wait a few hours fools
If you were given a shotgun and you were told you have to shoot through both yours hands and feet in 30 seconds otherwise you'd die, would you do it? (Inspired from Saw)
Defiantly... otherwise i’d die! Plus.. I could cope with being disabled, I could still compete in many a sport, so nothing to worry about there!
What is your favourite comfort food, and what is your strongest memory tied to it?
Soft chocolate chip cookies. Yum. Strongest memory would be me and my best friends buying about 20 between us once we’d got our a-level results, and going and sitting in a lovely sunny park, eating them and just chilling and enjoying each others company. Was a great day that.
Do the other females on the board put you to shame with their posts regarding football or anything in general?
Nope. To be honest, since Shell left, and I don’t see Mare around much in the football section anymore, only Yid makes worthwhile football contributions, even then, i hold my knowledge in high regard to be honest and don’t find myself being put to shame, even though i’d always read what Yid has to say!
Does it take you much to get drunk?
Not these days no. I used to be a bit of a lightweight, but not recently. We tend to make bowls/troughs these days before we go out, mixing about 7 drinks, and even then it takes about 6-7 glasses to get drunk.
You’re a massive football fan … do you prefer playing or watching?
Difficult one this. I love both, and infact I’ve also always loved going training aswell, the banter is better, but if I was to choose watching a cup final, or playing one, i’d choose playing, so my answer will have to be playing.
What's your best memory of playing football?
I’d say a game against West Ham a few years ago. They were our rivals to the league title. We were 2-0 down within about 20 minutes, and frankly not playing very well, however in the second half we came out like a team possessed and played really really well, we pulled a goal back quite quickly, but it took 2 late goals, a screamer from 30 yards with a couple of minutes remaining, then a tap in at the far post with the last kick of the game to win... it was an amazing feeling and we went on to win the league, that was a great season.
Do you have a recurrent dream?
Nope... but I do have dreams which cause me to have the same reaction, whereby I wake up and think i’m still in the dream and end up turning lights on/ locking doors, opening doors, going for a walk, and thinking people are in my room.. its a bit weird that
What would I find in your refrigerator right now?
Pineapple and orange juice, milk, butter, eggs, yogurts, vodka, beer, jam, mayo, cheese, tomatoe ketchup, bbq sauce, brown sauce.
Only the pineapple and orange juices are mine.
Interview compiled by Lil Yiddo with questions submitted by members of Soccer 24-7.
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