The Interview: Del Piero

Tell us a bit about yourself ...
Well, my real name is Omar as some of you may know, i am a 25 years old Egyptian guy, i work as a Solution Expert for an Apple premium reseller (Part Time ATM), i am Engaged to a girl that i love and we're currently working on getting married.
You are having a dinner party and 5 guests from here are coming ... who and why?
Red4eva - Very intelligent and educated person, i am sure we will have some interesting conversations.
Killah - My best friend/nemesis, we disagree about almost everything yet he's one of the few people i consider to be a real friend of mine on here.
Celticrugby - 100% Win.
Patmurphy - Again one of the few real friends i made here, we share this interest in Directing and Cinema and we can talk for hours about a single scene in a movie, sadly like red he's not active anymore.
DvA - I have no idea what nickname he runs by on the forum nowdays, however he's one of my best friends on here and we can talk for hours about Portugal and Egypt and how similar they are, lazy people corruption etc, FTW
Can you speak Italian?
No, however i can understand what a conversation is about when i hear it as i recognize most words because it's close to French and i can read some of it.
What do you really think about Calean?
He's a fine example of why many people see religious people as absolute retards, self-righteous ignorant and bigoted moron.
I appreciate your usually fair and (somewhat) balanced opinion on things in the middle east when discussed. What is your opinion on the Egyptian blockade of Gaza? And your reaction to the criticism you take from some other Arab sources over this?
We're just trying to stop a dirty political game thats being played by Israel atm, they basically have a long term plan to transform Sinai into one big Palestinian refugees camp like in south Lebanon which i hope we as Egyptian would never allow.
As for shutting down the underground network between Egypt and Gaza i am all for it because it really hurts our economy and security with potential hardcore political terrorists entering Egypt.
How many fingers am i holding up?
I'll tell if you tell me which finger i am holding up
When do you next see Juventus winning the title?
With this management? never.
Nastiest guy in 24-7 land
What is your favourite childhood memory?
When i got my first Dog, Rockey.
Do you think Del Piero (the player) would of got far more praise in his career had he moved to another league to a club like say Real Madrid?
Yes of course, i mean look at Raul, the guy suck balls and they made him a god
If you could change one thing about Soccer 24-7, what would it be?
Bring back the bloody radio!
Is a Jaffa cake a biscuit or a cake?
Do you consider yourself a religious Muslim?
No, i don't consider myself religious at all and i know this could anger some people but i don't believe any religion should be taken to the letter.
Do you like cheesy Wotsits?
I have no idea what the hell is that, gonna google it now.
What are your thoughts on the Iranians and their quest for nukes? Should something be done? If you were in charge of the world response, what is your roadmap for this issue?
I believe that either we take the nukes from everyone or we don't, but under the light of the current situation more people with nuke mean that it's less likely for anyone to use his because they will be afraid of retaliation.
Again we are putting you in charge of the world. What is your roadmap to peace with Israel/Palestine? What is an acceptable/equitable 2-state solution (assuming you desire that) for you?
I don't really care, but i think the only thing that would work will not be suitable for the Israelis since it involves giving half of Jerusalem to the Palestinians or giving the entire city to an International entity like the U.N.
Other than that it will never work because the Arabs and the Palestinians see this as a religious war and Jerusalem is the goal, just like it always was throughout history, same goes for the Israelis which can be seen and proven in their recent actions
[in response to that question] Do you think that your plan/view is realistic and could it happen in our lifetimes? Why or why not?
No i don't as i said because it's a religious war that will never end because sadly religion knows no compromise.
Captain Kirk...coolest white man ever
There is no such thing as a cool white man
What members that left or were banned would you bring back and why?
Firestarter so we can have more epic threads, he was good for business.
Nicest guy on 24-7 land
Nicest? Celticrugby ofc and i think everyone here will agree.
Working hard or hardly working?
Working hard to find a new job, hardly working in my current one ever since i converted to part time.
Sith or Jedi
Sith ofc, Jedis are fags.
Favourite foreign country you have visited and why?
France, mostly because the only other foreign country i have been to was Cyprus and i was 8 month old or something
Favourite number and why?
18, my birthday, i know so predictable.
Cats or dogs?
I used to say dogs as i always raised dogs in my childhood but then i got Ceasar my current cat he's a cat who acts like a dog if you know what i mean
As a Juve fan do you want Benitez as your manager next season?
I highly rate him and he is known for achieving great feats with little resources, the kind of thing that we need at the moment.
If you had to die one way or the other, would you rather burn alive or drown?
Drown ofc, even though i used to be in the Egyptian National team for swimming
Should Sombreros be mandatorily worn on every Tuesday
Top 5 films of all time?
It's an impossible question to answer for me, i am a movie buff so i have like 100 favorite films and i can't just pick just 5 and ignore the rest, but if you just want to me to pick 5 of my favorite films randomly i will pick:
City Of God, Fight Club, Amores Perros, The Godfather, Amelie.
As an Egyptian how come you follow Italian football?
The Egyptian league suck balls and i never felt emotionally attached to any Egyptian team, in fact i wasn't a football fan at all till i watched Juve once by chance on tv and ever since i was hooked to them.
Pooh or Piglet?
None, both are fags.
What team besides Juve do you like to watch?
I don't watch anything except Juve especially recently, but i usually just watch the big CL games if Juve is not playing that night and ofc the Classico and sometimes Man Utd vs Arsenal, and the old firm when i can. but as in following another team, no i don't.
Totti or Maldini?
Totti is the greatest Italian to ever touch a football, thats a fact.
Climate change...b0ll0cks or truth
Would you ******* believe me if i told you that last week it ******* snowed here in Cairo and it wasn't even cold during that day?
What's your take on the john terry fiasco?
These things annoy me because i believe that people have no right to interfere with celebrities private lives, i don't think he wronged anyone except his wife and it's a private issue and people should just mind their own business but ofc i am dreaming.
Oh and i honestly don't give a **** about what John Terry or any other celebrity does in their private life, he may shag a goat for all i care.
Best and worst moment in your life so far?
I had many bad moments and many good moments but one of my absolute worse was when my grandfather died, as for the best moment it's really easy to pick, it's when i got together with Nahla, i know it's sound cliche but it's true.
Ever been to the Delle Alpi? If so what is your best memory there?
Sadly i haven't got the chance to go there, but hopefully i will get the chance to watch Juve-Inter @ the new Juve arena sometime during 2012
The Egyptian NT ... they can do so well at the ANC and yet can't qualify for a bloody World Cup. One, what is the problem? And two, how do you view/what is your opinion on this generation of players and how they should be looked upon? Champions for their ANC glory? Failures for repeated failure to qualify for WC? Somewhere in between ...
The problem is mental thats all, we have a ghost in the closet called qualifying to the WC, Egyptian players really do need therapy to get rid of the amount of pressure they have regarding the WC qualification.
As for the current generation of players i have to say that they are the best in this country's history in my opinion and not just for the results but for the amount of talents that this team have.
Their only problem is psychological, this is why they beat Italy, embarrassed Brazil and got knocked from the U.S, this is typical Egyptian nature, achieve the impossible and fail at the easiest of tasks.
What, if any, are your pet peeves?
Damn you, i had to wiki that to understand the question, anyway what annoys me the most if i understood the question correctly are the so called social people who wear a fake smiling mask just to try and keep a good relation with everyone, they make me sick if you know what i am on about.
Will their ever be true peace in the world
Never, Peace is bad for business mate.
Name an interesting fact about yourself.
I have anger problems and when i get angry i often say things i really regret later.
Let's say the title race is down between Inter and AC, who do you want to win it?
Ac Milan ofc, if the title race was between Aids and Inter Milan i would cheer for Aids from the bottom of my heart, GO AIDS!
2012 is just round the corner...are you scared
Believe it or not i haven't seen the movie so no, i am not scared.
Do you think during the Calico scandal, Juventus's penalty was harsh enough?
It's spelt Calcio
Are we being controlled by the New World Order
We were always controlled by some kind of secret order criminals, politicians and business men, the pigs and dogs ruling the sheep, and whatever that order is it will be considered the new world order if you know what i mean.
Do you also think Diego is a bust?
How can people judge a player when the entire team plays like shite, the manager is crap and the management are a bunch of tards, i still believe Diego is a very talented player who will hopefully prove me right under the right management which i hope for after this season's nightmare ends.
Brunettes....sexiest wimmin on the planet....agree?
Hells yeah!
Do you think Inter and/or AC Milan are cheating?
It's Italy, there is always someone using some kind of influence, i wouldn't say cheating but yea there is ofc some kind of influence outside the pitch.
Which member would you gladly punch in the face?
Favourite sport outside of football?
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you want to go and why?
Well if i were to go in order to settle and live then i would choose Australia, it's an awesome place and the weather is nice specially for an Egyptian not to mention that they got plenty of opportunities.
But if you were talking about a vacation then i would ofc go to somewhere in the Caribbean.
Who are your favourite members on here and why?
The ones i picked for dinner and for the same reasons.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I need to be more persistent and serious about certain thing and i need to get rid of my anger issues.
5 Things you'd like to see Juventus do in the next 5 years?
I will just sum it up in one thing, find back the spirit of the real Juve, the spirit that the great Juve of the mid 90's had or even that of 2003, i want the players to have the desire to win, i want them to understand the greatness of the shirt they are wearing.
How did you meet your stunning missus? Any plans for marriage?
In a friend's birthday that i ironically didn't want to be at in the first place, i had a ******* crush then i made a common friend ask her to come in a hang out the 2nd time we exchanged numbers then we started going out alone, and here we are almost 4 years later planning for our marriage
Interview Compiled by Lil Yiddo.
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