The Interview: Manic Loop

Tell us a bit about yourself …
Well I am who I am, what you get on 24-7 is what you get reality, I don’t hide behind any persona. Most people by now will have a decent gauge of me, but if not here we go. Born on the 17th May 1981. Youngest of 3 brothers and have lived in Edwinstowe, Nottinghamshire my entire life (baring 3 years in Liverpool at uni, and 8 months in Australia travelling, but they were never “home”) Went to a school that’s now a housing estate and went to Uni of Liverpool getting a 2:I in Ba Geography. Went travelling, got job, did job for few years, didn’t like job, have gone back to Uni, to Sheffield Hallam to do a Msc in Urban Regeneration. Have followed Forest my entire life (baring a brief dalliance aged 5 with Liverpool) Currently live with my brother, but hes away most of the year. I love music, (rock mainly) I like films (not as much as I did, and TV. I live for going to the pub with mates. Many a good time in there, though as many friends settle down its not what it was, as they don’t come as much. I adore travelling, and try to get as many places as I can.
Where is Geoff?
HA. Well yeah you create a character you use for so long and it sticks. He has been retired to the dark recesses of my brain. Was fun whilst it lasted. Thhat thread where Arsene Wenger (Madcap) interviewed him was stunningly great fun. Hell he even co-presented one of the radio shows with me. I miss his agony uncle thread as well.
Ok Manic with our immanent promotion coming, have you got any further requests for our end of season party?
Firstly, imminent. My only request is Eiko Koike. Go google image. I’m sure shes a Forest fan. Or a Gamba Osaka fan (go go Gamba, with much gusto)
What's your natural hair colour?
Hello Meg. As you know it is clearly the greatest of the hair colours.
What outside of a house/car is your most extravagant purchase?
Not purchased a house…. Now this depends. Probably a plane ticket to Australia. But then the Forest season tickets aren’t as cheap as they may be.
If you were taking part in Come Dine With Me, which 4 members would you compete it out with?
Interesting twist, namely because they;d need to be able to cook. This instantly just about gets me to disqualify most people under 25. I go on the basis I couldn’t cook before that age. I’d say mejulian, I’d hope he can cook Mexican, then I’d choose Berean Todd, I reckon he’d be able to cook well. Actually scrap my previous comment about age. I’d invite Smeg Devil, as she owes me a few meals from the times I’ve cooked for her. I’ll throw in bamber for good measure.
Ha. My brothers girlfriend who is essentially my housemate desperately wants a cat and I keep informing her I’ll encourage it to play in the main road. I don’t dislike them, I just see them as boring. Dogs are fun, cats just fvck off.
Favourite non staff member?
Umm, bambergascoigne or Berean Todd.
Is there a lucky lady in your life? How did you/would you charm a lady you were going to date?
No, and because of this maybe my advice here isn’t the most suited. I’m a fvck up when it comes to girls. Essentially I miss opportunities that do exist but persue ones that don’t. And then get all Bossa and obsessive over them.
You come across as being a bit boring, discuss.
Depends on what you like to do. Its all entirely objective. I think I know who asked this and your merely just someone with some unexplainable grudge. Anyway, you win some you lose some in life. You may find me boring, others may not. That’s just how it is. If that’s how you find me, then fine. I don’t think I am, but then who thinks of themselves as boring? I like what I do and I do what I Like. Therefore I am not bored. Discuss that.
Forest...when do you think they will get into the Premier League?
Yes. I do. I think we are better than any of the teams that we would face in the playoffs (where I think we will end up) Staying up is another matter all together.
Do you miss the old nags you used to sit near in your old job? Not even a little bit?
Yes and no. I used to talk a lot of stuff about Lost and Dexter with one of them. One of the others I got on well with. The thing is after my moaning threads one of them left which made life more tenable in the office. I also got to know well this other guy who sat nearby who I had used to have a decent chat about music with (he used to be a drummer in some thrash band in the 80s)
Now I’m not there I guess I realise it wasn’t really all that bad
What makes you so dedicated to the forum?
Dunno really. Well in part now because I’ve been here so long. So much time invested here that to walk away would a) feel like I wasted 8 years. And b) take something I enjoy out of my life. Ultimately I care about this site probably because I have been here since day 1. When you build something you take pride in it. If I was merely a member I’d have walked away within a year and probably in the ticcan days,But because I’ve been an integral figure here, then I have always wanted to carry on through those tough days knowing it will come good. That’s increasingly harder these days. Posts are down, the networks gone, but that also forces me to make this place stronger again. That fall and decrease in traffic galvanises a desire to bring back the good days. Roll on the world cup
Do you like cheesy Wotsits?
Not bad. I don’t like the way they stain your fingers. Plus theres better crisps, but I will occasionally dabble
What’s your worst habit
Is that little flick natural?
Flick? The flick in the hair? Yes entirely natural, As is the flick in my right foot when I go running (tried training it out, didn’t feel natural) so yeah those 2 flicks are natural. Unless you mean Flick from Neighbours.
Will 24-7 ever get back to what it was like in the good old days?
See above. I think we can. The problem is the feeling of complacency. People all say yeah lets get this place going , or that ideas great, but in reality are only willing to minimal effort. Theres a few people who really do try hard here, and full of great inentetions, but the effort isn’t always rewarded with results. Take the blog site. Great idea, everyone says, yeah lets get involved. And the promptly can’t be arsed. But then that’s the same in all walks of life.
Also when people mention the good old days when do they mean? This place evolves. People would think when it was busy, but have you read some of those threads? They are horrible. Just pages of drivel of people arguing the same point repeatedly with Ticcan. Then further back when people say it was fun, I actually think a lot of those threads are retarded now. But they existed in a time and place that was fun, but that time was then. Things change. You have to make a new age and not hark back to some mythical golden age. You also have to remember the way days go. The arly days always considered the best is when we were new, we were brash, we annoyed people. You can’t act like as a big site.
So your voice is actually appealing... you've obviously seduced women before with it and it 'kinda' worked on me. Would you consider it your best asset? and if not, what is?
I don’t consider a voice to be an asset. For one I could put on other ones. I don’t regard it on a girl would be like breast, legs etc. That being said I have met girls whose voice just melts you away, (mainly French) Considering my slight frame I consider that I actually have quite chunky calves from the running I’d do. I am expecting you all to say my hair. I admit its somewhat of a hindrance at times.
If you could kill someone in 24-7 land and get away with it who would it be?
I wouldn’t kill anyone. That’s a bit of harsh reaction to what is essentially just someone else putting over their view. As much as I dilike what a number of people have to say I would never actually say I hate any member (well maybe Firestarter in the past, but half of what he said and did was an act so that he’d get attention he seem to so crave, whether that be good or bad)
How quick will you be to run onto the pitch when promotion is confirmed?
Considering I sit att the back of the upper tier and it takes me 15 misn to get of ground at best of times…….not very quick at all, as I won’t be bothering.
Favourite chocolate bar?
Ummm, twix please
Zequi, why?
ask him
Favourite alcoholic drink
Well, hey, I drink Lager, but considering the maret for it where I live I mianly drink Fosters. Given a choice and an endless vat of money I’d drink most Czech beers though. If they served Gambrinus, Staropramen or Pilsner Urquell on draught where I live, then them. I also lived on Victoria Bitter in Australia. I am very partial also to a few Japanese beers.
Worst job?
The worst day of work I ever had was when I worked for an eco lodge in Queensland. I basically did odd jobs there. One day my task was basically to turn the compost heap. This is a compost heap in the freaking tropical jungle. It stank worst than anything ever. A smell I couldn’t get out of my nose for days. The thing was crawling and I mean crawling with maggots. It was just vile. The consistency of it was horrendous to. It squelched. Just vile
For an actual proper job and not just one task in my role, then picking fruit was just sh1t. **** pay, too hot etc.
What does your office deal with?
I’m a student.
Favourite soft drink?
Coca Cola
What do you think to how this forum has gone? Did you ever imagine it would grow/last this long? What are we doing for the 10 year mark?
If you told me we’d be here 8 years down the line then I’d have never believed it. But considering at times we had 3X maybe 4X posts the day we do now, I’d be a little upset. Considering I’m only in this game because I made a forum on EZboards in 2000 one night when drunk and got my mates to join then one thing led to another then even more so. If you’d told me then, when we’d had 6 regs that I’d be where we are now, then I’d be amazed. People will say it was better. But then I remember the days before that. As for the 10 yyear mark. Well we got 2 years to go. I don’t honestly see what we can do to celebrate it. Baring in mind we could get hacked tomorrow like we once did, I don’t know if we’d come back from that again.
Favourite staff member
For the sheer effort you can’t look beyond Celticrugby. However longevity theres Boovy. And then theres the fact Killah saved our ass a few times.
What is it about them foreign women that you like so much? Our Brit girls are one of a kind
Well. If you may have noticed I havent really blathered on about foreign women as much anymore. I never have had an issue with British girls. Just back in the day I was with a Japanese girl. That kinda cultivated my obsession there. But hey I am mainly over that now. Apart from Eiko
People from Derby speak very strangely, don't they
Not at all, rather how they talk than Brummies or Mancs
Do you like Sombreros?
As a fair skinned person, they can be a life saver in certain conditions. However would I wear one out of choice. No
Do you think every Tuesday should be like Sombrero Tuesday?
You can wear a big fvck off Sombrero every Tuesday, talk like Antonio Bandera’s for as long as you want, drink a bucket load of Tequila and then watch a compulsory Spaghetti Western....sound ok to you meester?
Joel Lynch. Forest Legend? I think so anyway.
He’s played what 12 games? And for most of them he was much maligned. Have I answered the question
Snog, Shag, Marry … The bitches on the forum.
Well basically of the girls on the forum I only ever have had any kind of conversations or contact with 2, being Yiddo and Smeg. Therefore I couldn’t really assess the others
That being said
Snog – any of the others. Your exempt from the next two.
Shag - Yiddo – I assume she knows what shes doing. I also presume it would be a good ride. And I would
Marry – Smeg – Simply cos I now her and I get along very well and have similar tastes in a lot of things. I also know shes very happy with her man though, so there you go
What 5 members would you love to see back on the forum?
Ibes – top guy. Only just gone, but I’d love for him to come back
Booser – Always funny. I stand by the fact the funniest thread ever was his one of the 24-7 members and their pets. The G comment was the greatest piece of comedy ever on this forum
Red4eva – thought Tim was top user. Intelligent and all that jazz and contributed in many areas
Shanks – All round top user. In all areas of the site. You can’t ask for more than that
Zizou – a legend and hall of famer if we had such a thing. He was a top guy. Probably before most of your times here though
I’ll give Caddy a mention too. Legend
Nottingham Forest, do you think they will get automatic promotion or face the play offs?
As said above. Playoffs
You've been here from day 1 and seen every classic 24-7 thread come to light. What's been your favourite ever thread?
There is so many. I honestly wouldn’t include the Firetstarter classic, or the G goes to Moscow. Jakey G has a kid was epic. We used to have loads like that in the past. Like I said above, there were 2 or 3 epic picture threads from Booser that simply were hysterical
You've also seen lots of retards/crap members over the years as well. Who was the worst/biggest tard?
Could almost do a time line of tards
The first we ever had was a Barnsley fan called Tykey Tyke frum Tarn.. He simply posted “lolololllolololololololol” I every post
The next was Mr Jimmy. He knew Mark and basically took this as an excuse to spout sh1t.
Highbury Lad was always fun to mock.
Probably the worst ever though was Swissknife. I mean wtf was he ever doing?
I will give honourable mentions to Crazysah and his desire for girls in football shirts pls thx. JAkey G was pretty much retarded. Sniper was epically dumb. ReAl MaDriD was ultimately stupid. The guy achieved mod status then used this to edit or delete any posts who disagreed with him. You can’t look much past BArdez meltdown either. That was both tragic and hysterical.
I heard a rumour you like to deconstruct antique telephones you buy from charity shops then re-assemble them, is that true?
wtf are you even on about. You get nominated for tard award above.
Snog Marry Avoid, Harewood, Darcheville, Van Hoijdonk
Shut the fvck up
What’s your biggest regret?
well, theres 28 years of regrets. I regret not working harder at school, I got complacent. I could and maybe should have done a different undergrad degree. I regret turning a couple of girls down or not going places I shoulda done thinking they’ll stay there forever for me to get. There was a girl I adored and would have done anything. She once text me I love you, I was at a gig and instead of going meet her after it, I thought I need to be up for work in morning, that was pretty dumb to be honest. However I am happy in life. To change 1 small thing at any other juncture is to potentially alter that. That girl ultimately got a job in London. So it wouldn’t have worked out. I dwell too much as it is without really thinking of regret so to speak. Do I regret not taking ajob at some point that might have led to me a different career? Maybe. Do I regret not doing more prep for this dream job interview one time? Probably. But would I have been happy there… who knows.
So you're at uni once again. How you finding the student life compared to the first time around? What do you want to do when you get your masters?
It is very different. For one back in my day the internet wasn’t so integral. Things like intranets, also so much information being available online. E journals and Google Scholar have completely changed the game in the nearly 10 years since I was there. I think I’m wiser too.Not more intelligent. Just more clued up
How does it feel knowing the only way you got an interview was through rigging the vote system?
Would be an interesting story if it had any truth to it. For one there were 6 voters. I got 3, hardly loads to shoutabout is it? So who is this bitter soul? I can prove it too.
Sith or JedI?
Fvck george Lucas for ruining my childhood
Where is the best place you have travelled to in the world?
Erm. Well. Australia was awesome. I loved New York. Tromso was the most beautiful place, as the amazing fjords around town were breathtaking. Tasmania was incredibly beautiful too.
So John Terry done the dirty on an old pal by sleeping with his ex missus and now she’s supposedly up the duff. How would you react if you were Bridge?
I’d fvck his sh1t up.
What 5 members do you have the most respect for?
Well. Berean Todd. He actually manages to talk religion whilst not coming over as an ignorant pompous tvvat. Bamber, funny guy who retains himself despite having a million kids.
Celticrugby for being the nicest guy in the world. Mejulian, top guy. Boovy, putting up with being fellow admins for 8 and a half years.
Interview done and compiled by Lil Yiddo
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