The Interview: nAz

Tell us a bit about yourself …
My name is Naz.
I am a 21 year old Muslim currently studying Theology and working part time for a charity within fundraising. I am hoping to become a teacher at either college lev el or secondary school level. I may just do secondary school just for the challenge
I would call myself British unlike some other people who were born in this country but have Pakistani/Indian/Arab etc family. My parents are both from Pakistan however they moved when they were young so they understand the western way of life, I guess.
I’m not the most confident person in the world and I am actually very shy when I first meet someone however when I do get in my comfort zone I can open up and be more comfortable.
I love music and films. I tend to mainly listen to rap/hip hop tracks but can listen to anything that quality whether it is rock, rap, dance etc.
I have a fiancé who I intend to marry and I love her to bits. I have been with her for 2 years this Tuesday
Did I see you join a facebook group that involved telling your girlfriend to make you a bacon sandwich?
Did I? Wait, let me check.
Ahhhh. I see now. It was this group.
That group pwns imho.
Do you like cheesy Wotsits?
Okay. I don’t know how to answer this tbh.
If we are talking literally, then yeah I like.
If we are talking about some sort of sick sex joke or something I would go for the answer that makes me seem the most gay.
Why Liverpool?
I think I have explained this on the board before.
Basically when my parents and uncles and aunts moved to this question, they came in the 70’s and 80’s and at that time Liverpool dominated and they were the team that got my family into watching football and ever since then all my family has supported Liverpool since then.
Whether or not you think I’m just an out of towner glory hunter or some ****, I honestly couldn’t give a ****.
What's your best memory of a game you were in attendance at?
I’m not going to lie and act like I have been to many games however there was one memory that sticks out when I went to Anfield for the first time watching a premier league game. It was when Crouch scored his first ‘goal’ for Liverpool. It was great because the crowd just wanted him to score so badly and everyone went ballistic when he scored and watching him run the pitch because carra wanted him to jump in the kop. He got knackered at before he could reach it from the other side
Fowler or Torres?
Fvck me, tough choice.
Footballing wise? I would say Torres. He is a brilliant player and a joy to watch. There are not many players to say the least at Liverpool that give you that WOW factor and always seem to amaze you. Torres is that player. Even when you think he has had a sh1t game and he is out of sorts...BANG, a moment of genius that wins you the game or once chance and one goal.
However, in terms of like fan favourite, I would have to go for Fowler. He was my first footballing hero that I looked up to and his love for the club is amazing like the 4 times hand gesture he did to the Manchester United fans....brilliant. Also, he is left footed like me and I score goals like him all the time when i go football and I score all the goals and maradona once scouted me and would have played me in the argentina squad if i were argentinian.
Be honest, what are your views on interfaith dialogue and the treatment of other religions in Islamic states?
I’ll be honest. I have no idea of how much interfaith dialogue there is in Islamic states. However I am guessing there is a minimum amount which is not a good thing. One thing I appreciate about the west is the freedom to practise religion. I mean even in Muslim countries I am unable to practise my religion the way I wish. For example when I went to Saudi, I was nearly arrested for worshipping in my own way. It’s a crazy world we live in.
Interesting fact, now, ass fag.
About myself? If so, I have memorised half of the Holy Quran off by heart.
In general- When hippos are upset, their sweat turns red.
I need love advice, can you help, I met a girl on Monday, after chatting and getting her digits a name, and a date with me tomorrow at 9 we went for a drink on Tuesday, now she wants to do something on Wednesday, what would you suggest?
Anal rape FTW
Seriously though. Go out to eat or coffee or shisha or something lol. I don’t know why anyone on here would want advice from a virgin but I guess you don’t know much about her so I think this kind of thing would be better than a movie because you can talk. I don’t know if that makes sense.
If you get married to this woman, i wanna invite to the wedding otherwise im going to take my testicles and rub them all over your cats vagina.
Best childhood memory?
Going to Pakistan when I was young. I loved it there, the culture, the traditions and also seeing my extended family. The weather is great; the people are amazing and friendly. I used to go swimming everyday in a local dam. I got really attached to Pakistan and when I left I was in tears, I wish I could go back.
You seem to be pretty devout in your Islamic faith. Tell us about your background. Were you always this way or what made you become so? Do you come from a family background that was very religious?
Well, my parents have been devout Muslims ever since I can remember and they have brought up their kids in a very good Islamic household. Making sure I got a good normal education as well as an Islamic education. When I was younger I would go to school from your normal 9-3 and then straight after I would go to the local mosque to memorise the Quran from 4.30-9.00pm.
I’m not going to lie; this was a very dark period in my life. I was actually depressed and I this was in the ages from 10-15. I would get beat up at the local mosque whenever I would make mistakes in my memorisation of the holy Quran. I was constantly drained and had no energy because i would go from Monday to Saturdays.
I eventually quit the class near the end of my gcse’s and concentrated on my normal education. That day was a momentous occasion even though my parents were still upset I hadn’t completed the Quran
Sorry if I have rambled on a bit in this question but fvck it, this is MY interview. I could go on and on about the threshold of a donkey when a monkey sticks its foot up its ass if i wanted but Im not into that ****.
You don't live near Liverpool yet support the only top four side not to win EPL title, conscious decision, or epic fail?
I don’t give a **** tbh. I have a feeling that when Liverpool do finally win the title (I HOPE TO LIVE TO SEE THE DAY LOL) that I may lose my interest in football after that because its like when you love the chase of getting a girl. Once you got her, you’re like **** this ****. Does you get me homedawg?
Can you tell us a bit about Sufism (I know we all have wiki) and how do you relate to that sect of Islam? Through parents or individually? id imagine you are Sunni from birth anyway. id imagine you're Punjabi then.
Sufism is a complex and broad subject. However the best way I can describe Sufism is to say that it is the spiritual aspect of Islam. To live a life in a state or trying to achieve asceticism and to prepare more for the next world rather than concentrating on this world and thinking that you will live forever.
I relate to Sufism through my parents and have studied it myself individually; it has always been something that helps me.
I would say one of the main benefits of Sufism for myself has been to look at difficulties and hardship as a test from God and to always remember the perceptiveness of this world and that the next world is the one we must prepare for.
Any hobbies?
Playing football and I used to be big into bike riding but haven’t been going for a long time. Maybe when the weather picks up
Ignorance is born through lack of knowledge, but the knowledge is there, why don’t people acknowledge it?
Maybe it isn’t because they don’t acknowledge the knowledge. It may be because they misinterpret it or may even be that their mind is deceitful, locking off that knowledge through a mental block to protect them from the harshness of reality.
If you could get rid of one member, who would it be?
No one really. There is no one that doesn’t contribute in some way to this site.
When are you getting married?
Soon. I am praying for this summer. It would most likely happen early august God willingly and everyone is invited
I had to do some convincing to my parents as I am marrying outside the family which is the norm within my culture. It has taken two years to convince them and now we are looking to arrange it in the summer.
If I was going on a holiday to Pakistan, where would I go and what would i do?
There is a lot of culture in Pakistan and some beautiful Masjids to visit. The best place I visited was Lahore. It has a bit of the night life and it has a lot of beautiful mosques there which I visited. Ive also been to Islamabad where Faisal Masjid is which is pretty impressive.
However, i love it because I lived within my families village and experienced a different lifestyle which is what I look for when I go abroad and was why I hated Dubai. It sucks.
What do you think of Sultan? do you think his hate of Islam is now becoming an act, he’s putting on a show? its like he’s trying to hate islam even more than he really does, do you agree?
I don’t like the guy. I think he is a hypocrite of the highest order. Fair enough, he left Islam. I have no problem with that. The guy talks like he is Gods gift to mankind and that his opinion is only valid. Atheists talk of how religious people should respect their beliefs, however with someone like him it is very hypocritical because he blasts other people for having certain beliefs.
When he isn’t discussing religion, he’s ayt.
In your view, do you view Sufism as the best 'face' for Islam to put forward in terms of opening up dialogue with the West and promoting cultural harmonization between different cultural groups?
Yes, very much so. Sufism is the way forward. It is the sect of Islam that doesn’t have any sort of radicalism. It is kind of like our Buddhism. It promotes peace and it focuses on the individual which is what Muslims need to focus on at the moment. For me, Sufism is Islam and there are aspects of Sufism in most religions and most Sufis don’t have any problem with living in the west and respect this country unlike the people from Islam4uk.
What is your favourite place that you have travelled to and why?
Madina in Saudi Arabia. More specifically, the Mosque of the Prophet Muhammad. I have never felt more spiritually at ease than when I am there. It is amazing to feel the difference between Makkah (where the Ka’aba is) and Madina. It is the most peaceful place.
After them I would say Mafia Island just off Tanzania, amazing place with amazing people. Syria was also brilliant because of the people, just friendly and very accommodating.
Do you believe Liverpool will finish in the top 4?
I don’t think we will. The squad is very poor and out of form and I believe that teams like Man City and Tottenham have more in their locker. Also, these two teams look like they mean business this year.
Watching Liverpool play is worse than stabbing yourself in the eye at the moment.
What's your stance on Sufi-influenced spiritual organizations that have sprung up in non-Islam countries that, even though they are not in any sense a Muslim organization of any sort, incorporate many of the teachings and spiritual methodology of Sufism in their outlooks? Do you think that cheapens Sufism and is an insult to the faith?
I don’t believe it cheapens Sufism at all. Many people argue that Sufism isn’t even something that is Islamic but is universal. I don’t believe that myself however I do not think it cheapens Sufism and I believe people can use it by any medium they wish to as long as long as it benefits them.
Obviously I do wish more people become Muslim Sufis but if it did help them in some way that is always a positive thing.
If you could travel anywhere where would you go and why?
Morocco. Because its a beautiful country with so much heritage and culture. Plus its an Islamic country which would mean all the food halal
There have been, many comparisons and contradictions to yourself and the boxer Naseem hamed. Both very small and skinny, both called Naz, one is a Prince, ones a Queen. Are you handy in a fight?
hahaha. Interesting question to say the least. Im not skinny by the way but I can be your queen
Im not the type to get into fights to be honest. Im a very non confrontational kind of person and I don’t think I would do well in a fight.
The last fight I had was with my older brother
Im a lover...not a fighter.
Favourite non scousers player and why?
In the team now?
Has to be Torres for obvious reasons. I also loved Alonso when he used to play for us
Who do you hate more? Everton or Manchester United.
Manchester United.Everton is more of a local thing and I don’t know many Everton fans in real life tbh. United fans are fvcking everywhere and each one talks more **** than the last when it comes to football and all the ones I know CANNOT take banter at all.
The ones on this site are brilliant though.
Does it ever piss you off that Anfield is full of these johnny come lately fans who don't live in the City and have no real link to the club, keeping honest local fans like yourself at home or behind your keyboard, forced to watch some stream in Indian or a language you don't understand?
It really does piss me off. All these foreigners coming into our country, taking our women, taking our jobs, eating our curry, drinking our tea.
Deport them all back to Pakistan I say.
Are you the Liverpool fan who's a virgin?
Yup. Virgin by choice not by looks like half the guys on this site. (sleeping with hookers doesn’t count RM)
What's Naz rocking on his Ipod when he's down the street?
Mainly Rap and Rnb. Im listening to a lot of Chamillionaire at the moment, I think he is a real good on topic rapper and just a mixture of all the latest tunes really.
How is it as a British member of islam in the UK do you ever feel like the stereotypes hold you back?
Not much tbh. Im not the type to complain about it or feel like Im being held back by stereotypes. There are many different challenges in life that come in different forms that different types of individuals have to come across and get past. If you let **** like that hold you back, you will not get far in life.
How strict are you on religion?
I used to be very strict. I remember back in school and a part of college life, I wouldn’t even speak to girls because of religion and i used to pray 5 times consistently a day. I used to be at the mosque reading quran after school for around 4 and a half hours a day.
At this moment of time, my religion has fallen a lot and I hope to get a spiritual recharging and will be hoping to perform the pilgrimage of Hajj this year insha Allah (God willingly)
If you could bring back one member, who would it be?
I wouldn’t say this member has gone but I would like to see Killah start posting in here again. I speak to him often on msn and he’s a top bloke and someone I can relate to a lot.
What are your views on Sha'ria law? Specifically as relates to the treatment of women?
I believe it is fair. I also believe that Islam empowers women and does not oppress them at all.
Firstly look at the Quranic passage ‘there is no compulsion in religion’
Not only does this mean that we must force everyone to become a Muslim but it also means that even performing religious acts cannot be forced on a person. They have to want to do it. For example, the wearing of the scarf. If a Muslim woman doesn’t want to do it then that is up to her, there is no oppression like many mistaken there to be.
Islam gave women rights at a time where female babies were being buried alive. Just look at the rights of wife within marriage.
You are having 5 forum members over for dinner and some fun. Who is coming and why?
SMG316- He is one of my favourite members on this site and me and him hit off from the get go. I think he is someone that I would get along with in ‘real life’ as well. And I can cuss him for bein Indian and he can cuss me for being a Pakistani
Killa- The guy cracks me up with some of the stuff he comes out with in msn convos and it would be good to chill with.
Bossanova- I find him to be the most interesting person on this site and he comes out with a lot of funny ****. He can also ramble on about this bird that he fancies.
The Big Easy- He is just a loveable guy. Never really noticed him much before but he would be good to go out with and he can take the piss out of me for the whole ‘FA Cup Draw’ thread
RCKB- Even though he has had a lot of stick lately. I don’t believe he is a racist at all but I like him and think he would bring out the devil within me lol
Have you had enough of the snow yet?
No- I cant get enough. It makes everything look ever so pretty
winter>summer any day of the week.
Big Freeze in football, don’t you think it was a bit of a over-hyped crap all these games getting called off?
Not really, you can always reschedule and the safety of people is lot more important than some football game. Postponing a football game is better than having someone die in a car accident or something like that.
Interview compiled by Lil Yiddo with questions submitted by members of Soccer 24-7.